You were called for a purpose.
God has given everyone a purpose with talents and gifts and it’s important we know what they are. These talents are God’s gift for each one of us so that we can be all we can be and experience the pure joy and fulfillment that going for a dream using our talent can give.
So seek your gifts, understand your life’s purpose, and aim high! Without knowing your true life’s purpose you are missing out and not living to your full potential.
Which is why I want to teach you how to write your very own Mission Statement for your life. If you have not written a Mission Statement, now is the time. Your Mission Statement is important. It’s what will keep you focused, keep you from expending your energies on anything other than your purpose and gives you a clear vision for what God has placed on you to do with your life. This gives you the ability to discern what you should turn away and go for in life. If it doesn’t align with your Mission Statement for your life, turn it away. Your most precious gift is your time. Do not waste it on anything that does not take you closer to your calling God has called you to do.
The first thing I want to make sure you are aware of is to not be tempted to write down your highest calling of being a wife and mother in your Mission Statement. These callings are indeed a high calling and your goals you have for your mothering and being the best wife you can be, can be written in your Goal sections of your Planner Perfect planner. But when you’re scripting your personal Mission Statement you need to keep it just that; personal. It is what God has called you to do alongside your motherhood and being a wife to your husband. The reason for excluding your called titles is because being a mother and a wife does not define who you are and what your personal passion is and what you are called to do! What about when the kids are grown, then what shall you focus and put your energies toward? You will feel lost and a sense of displacement if you make your Mission Statement about your titles of being a wife and mother only.
So what are some tips to help you find your purpose?
Do not use your life’s titles in your Mission Statement
As we just discussed above, this is going to be your personal Mission Statement. Your high calling as a wife and mother can be kept in your Goal Sections in your planner. Let’s keep this Mission Statement to your personal passion God has placed on you to do.
Just because you’re good at your talent does’t mean it is your calling
Now, understand that we can have several talents which makes it imperative we know which one to pursue. For example: I would consider myself an artist. I can draw, paint, create, you name it and I enjoy it, have shared the gift with my children, family, the world, and it is a talent of mine, but…it is not my passion.
We can have several things we’re good at; figure out which one you are most passionate about and aim for that. Keep your energies narrowed down to your most passionate dream and goal and know that just because you have talent in several things doesn’t mean you should put all your energy into all of it or the wrong one. Pray about it, ask God to show you what he wants you to pursue and keep it to the one you’re most passionate about.
Being busy doesn’t mean you’re effective
I’ve always stated that busyness is overrated. We are so busy as a society. It’s as though busyness creates successful people.
It doesn’t.
Creating an atmosphere of “busyness” can actually create a generation of people that are discontent with being still. It is in the stillness we can hear God speak; it is in the stillness we become good listeners. We need to teach our children to be content with themselves being still, having quiet times, and being most effective with their time; and the best way to be effective is to know how and when to be still and to know our purpose.
We should focus on keeping ourselves confident of what we were made to do, knowing where we’re going and where we’re headed. This allows us to know clearly when to say no, so we can focus on what really matters and what God placed on us to do.
Mission Statements help us know where to aim, how to be most effective with our time, and when to be still to listen for when God tells us to move.
Your passion doesn’t have to be something you’re perfect at in order for it to be your calling
God uses you where you’re at and with what you have to accomplish what He’s called you to do. Get out of your comfort zone, and have a wonderful time perfecting your calling.
Your Mission Statement doesn’t need to be long
Mission Statements can be as long as you like, but usually a paragraph of where you’re headed is perfect! Here is mine as an example:
Jenny’s Mission Statement
My goals are to inspire and teach women on how to become Planner Perfect. I have created the Planner Perfect planners and Method as a tool to help women be effective with their time, be organized, embrace their role as homemaker, including baking and cooking, and to follow their dreams. It is my Mission to focus on all that encompasses this goal: writing, speaking, blogging, and inspiring women to become all they can be using the Planner Perfect Method and unique set of Life Planners.
Anything else that I may be good at, yet does not align with this passion and goal is turned down or not pursued for my ultimate pursuit. My time as a mother is important, my role as a wife is important, and my personal Mission Statement is there to keep my focused with a direct aim.
I enjoy my other talents and realize that not all of them need to be pursued as my purpose, but rather my own personal fulfillment and gift from God.
This is why a written Mission Statement keeps you focused on what matters most and will make it easy for you to say no to anything that doesn’t align with your main objective.
New for Planner Perfect and the Planner Perfect planners:
A page dedicated in the beginning of every woman’s planner to script your Mission Statement!
Beautifully designed, printed on heavy paper, and kept in the beginning of every woman’s Planner Perfect planner, this important page will prompt you to create a Mission Statement for your life. I hope this post has got you thinking about what God has placed on you to do and what your Mission Statement should be for your life.
“If you don’t set your goals based upon your mission statement, you may be
Stephen Covey – 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
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