All About Toads!
There is something about toads and frogs that children just love. They hop, they make funny noises and are fun to catch. We live near a lake and a forest line so this time of year is when all the toads come out to play. My daughter, Belle, in particular is very fond of them and wants to call it George and keep it forever and ever.
We decided to give keeping a toad as a pet a try…for just a little bit anyway. This way we can study him, and enjoy watching him. Here are some amazing facts that we learned about toads:
Toads are adapted to living on land. Their skin is rough and bumpy
They lay their eggs in gelatinous strings in water
They hatch underwater and develop legs and arms and lose their tails and gills
My Brock holding our toad
We are going to the lake to find tadpoles so we can watch their transformation from tadpole to toad! We will post when we catch some…
Male toads are noisy and more so during mating season in the spring
If you want to try keeping a toad for a little bit you must make it as close to his habitat as possible. This is what you’ll need:
- Soil for the bottom of the aquarium or tub
- An aquarium with a lid or tall bucket so he cannot jump out
- a hollowed out log, or tipped flower pot to hide under.
- A little container of water that is half a toad deep, two toads wide and four toads long. Using filtered water only and changing once a day
- mist his home with water when and soil gets too dry
Toads are carnivores. They eat on meat and like bugs, worms and especially rolly polly pill bugs. Feed them about every 2-3 days. If they are not eating, it is usually just because they are not hungry.
Here is some info. on how to tell what sex your toad is:
Learning from every day wonders…
Homeschooling Belle
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