Being a life planner means you are a woman who is enjoying life with purpose and joy. She is not allowing life to plan life for her and that means she is on top of her game; pursuing her dreams, goals and that of her family. The beauty of being a life planner, with Planner Perfect, is that there is always room for spontaneity.
Unlike task managers where you are filling in the blanks for every hour, on the hour, Planner Perfect is for women that map out their own life without time restraints and that enables room for spontaneity.Who needs pressures of laundry at 3 o’clock? With Planner Perfect you are planning differently and are more effective because of the room to script out your days in detail, the pages to map out your goals, and life organized all in one place. I have wonderful tips and show how you can be a life planner in my e-book. It is a step-by-step guide to life planning 101, and if you are a do-it-yourself-er, show you how to create your own, Planner Perfect.
I love to leave wiggle room in my days whenever I can. That means I can always find the time within some of my days to meet my husband for lunch, have coffee with girlfriends, or run to the park with my kids, and all without compromise.
Plan wiggle room in your days…plan to be spontaneous!
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