I have found my trick to getting more done. Rising early. Like, 5 a:m early.
It can sound like a nightmare, can’t it? But let me tell you something, it will actually change your life.
Haven’t we all felt as though there is never enough time in the day to get it all done? Kids are time suckers. They don’t care about time. They want us, they have needs, they love to dawdle, they have meltdowns, the list goes on and on. Pile on top of this: laundry, cleaning, homeschool lessons, the grocery store, the library, making dinner and our shower and yeah, where did the time go?
I think us moms, we understand that getting up before the kids enables us a few moments before the onslaught of our day begins, but something about 5 o’ clock early, that’s a game changer. Something happens in the brain when you plan to wake every morning at 5 a.m. to accomplish things you need to do before your family wakes up. After reading the book, The Early To Rise Experience: Learn To Rise Early in 30 Days (Early To Rise Series), I now know, that I needed to make rising early a must if I wanted to get more time out of my days, thusly becoming more organized, and having more time to be with my kids. I am more in control instead of always feeling like I’m racing against the clock.
Finally, I’ve found the trick to getting the most out of my days, becoming more organized, and having more me time. I’ve had my devotions and coffee, I’ve checked emails, and sat in silence. I now have time to start my load of laundry, get breakfast dishes available as they all slowly start to trickle down the stairs, and sometimes I’m able to even get my shower in before the baby wakes up! Wow! I’m rolling now and it’s only 8 a.m.! I’m feeling, pretty. dang. good.
Now, this doesn’t mean you have less sleep. You make sure you get your butt in bed early. Test your time and go by what feels best to you. If going to bed at ten and waking by five, makes you feel fantastic all day…you now you’ve found your groove.
So here’s to you! And me. And all the mamas who rise early to get the most out of their day.
Will you rise to the challenge?
Anonymous says
Oh I have been wanting to do exactly this for all those reasons too, I used to be an early riser but now have my fourth baby so its set me back a bit. Thanks for the reminder and encouragement. I love how when you are a few hours ahead that if something unplanned happens that usually throws you out, is much easier to handle and you can give it the time needed. I also find im much nicer. Rushed muma is a cranky muma. Hopefully this makes sense – its a bit late here in Australia, hmm must get to sleep if I want to rise early!! Have a blessed weekend.
Anonymous says
Oh I have been wanting to do exactly this for all those reasons too, I used to be an early riser but now have my fourth baby so its set me back a bit. Thanks for the reminder and encouragement. I love how when you are a few hours ahead that if something unplanned happens that usually throws you out, is much easier to handle and you can give it the time needed. I also find im much nicer. Rushed muma is a cranky muma. Hopefully this makes sense – its a bit late here in Australia, hmm must get to sleep if I want to rise early!! Have a blessed weekend. Niina
Jenny Penton says
Hi Niina!! It's hard when you're a new mom, isn't it? I know I HAVE to get up early in order to have a productive day. These babes are full of needs and when their little feet (and big) hit the floor, I literally have no time for me anymore. Soooooo….getting up early is a necessity that I have come to FULLY enjoy. I am so ready for them when they wake-up and that's how it should be. Congratulations on your 4th baby, they are truly a blessing! Love talking to you…