Did you know that creating the life you love begins with how you plan? If you are in the habit of living off of lists and to-dos, then I want to inspire you to plan another way.
I encourage you to plan your life as though you’re writing your life’s story; almost like you’re writing a book about you. You don’t want to have it read like a list of all the things you’ve got to get done. If you were to look back at your planning now, would it read of the laundry, floors, errands, taxi driving and grocery trips you need to do?
What if, you first day dreamed about how you want your life to look for the whole year, month, weeks and days, and in your planner write it all out the way you dreamed it to be? Your daily life planning would then reflect how you saw your life as a whole.
Do you see what I mean?
If you put some thought and love into yourself and how you want your life to look, feel, and be for the whole month with its details and action steps, your daily life will be lovely! You will have days filled to the brim with not just to-dos, but will include, your dreams, your goals, your talents, becoming used for maybe the first time, and you’ll be living a better story… a story you want to live! Planner Perfect is mindful planning. It’s taking note to use the talents God gave you, it’s praying and dreaming about your life, it’s putting thought into how you want to live, it’s dreaming about how you want to raise your children, to be a better wife, mother and friend. No use having beautiful planning pages if what is on the page is full of just the mundane that hasn’t much thought behind it. This blog is dedicated to inspire you to plan beyond your to-do list, understand who you are outside the roles you play, and to write a better story. Welcome to Planner Perfect.