Mother’s Day is coming and as a mom of eight… I just want to have a good day, is that too much to ask?
Well, it depends on how you’re looking at it.
I used to think that my special day relied on what my family did or how well the plans came to pass- which you all know that is a recipe for disaster. However crazy, albeit subconscious, tactic this is, we all go after this mode of thought every year; sometimes the day is wonderful, sometimes it’s not. If you’re like me, we remember the “it’s not” days a lot more, than the wonderful ones.
But how do we just relax and have a good day no matter what? With so many external circumstances and other people (our own husband and kids) that can make or break the day, how do we come to the place where we are unmoved by everything else and come to a decision to enjoy the people that made you a mother in the first place?
Well, being a mom of so many I’ve learned some things and I learned them the hard way, but if I can save you from Mother’s Day suicide, well, it’s all good.
My first hack- I changed my mindset. This day is a day for me to love on my family. Though I do this all the time, on Mother’s Day, I will make a special effort to make it about how much I am truly blessed. #blessed
Next, I plan it out. I envision how I’d love my day to go from the time I get up until the time I go to bed. This is my mode of operation for the Planner Perfect method for everyday, but this day is extra special because, well, I’m not adding laundry on this day…see where I’m going with this? HA! I write what I’d like for breakfast, for lunch, where and what I’d like to do and how I’d like my dinner plans and evening to go. Then, you know what I do now?
I don’t depend on anyone for this magic to take place.
That’s right, I plan it, live out my plans and change my mindset to joy and nobody is going to take it away. The beautifulness in all this is that your family will want to love you on this day, so let them, this is the icing on the cake, the reason for the day.
You are creating your own day, you’re including your children in your plans, you’re making a point to be happy and to have joy! Taking control of our flesh and taking back our joy is something we must learn and do daily anyway and we might as well start with Mother’s Day. Here’s what I’ve done and maybe this will help you:
Clean the house the night before. A tidy house does wonders for our mood!
Have your breakfast planned- either cook something with them or have it prepped and ready for you the night before. I’ve even had donuts bought and ready on the counter or scones I made the day before ready.
Plan to go somewhere that makes you happy! I love to go get all my flowers for my pots, some new gardening gloves and fresh soil and plant all afternoon. My babies all help and I am not surprised or disappointed by melt downs or messes.
I plan a dinner and invite all my young and older children to be there. If some can’t make it, it’s not going to let me down. I enjoy myself, my day and my children. This Mother’s Day hack is sure to work
Here’s to us, Moms. We are making a decision to be full of joy on Mother’s Day, love others and map out our special day and enjoy it!

Jenny, thank you so much for showing me how to enjoy Mother’s Day. My husband will be out of town and I was feeling upset that he would not be around to help my kids make Mother’s Day special for me. You are absoulty right, I am the one that makes Mother’s Day special. It’s my attitude and outlook. Thank you again for reminding me of this and allowing me to focus on my children and loving them just a little more on Mother’s Day.
You are such an inspiration!