I am so excited about this series!! So excited. Beginning on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 I am beginning a new series on Home Management. This is an important topic because having this role as CEO of our homes is worth doing, and anything worth doing needs are whole heart and our attention going into it. Sometimes, the mere size of taking care of the home has a propensity for overwhelm and discouragement which can leave us depleted and not feeling good about ourselves, our homes and our role-but it doesn’t have to be this way and I’m going to show you how.
All it takes is the right planner and the right mindset.
New to me? Welcome and so happy you’re here! I am an artist, a speaker, creator of Planner Perfect, Designs by Planner Perfect and Project Me and I teach women how to write a better story for their lives. I am also a mom of 8 children and have created a planning method and plan books that set a woman up to live a life of purpose, an opportunity to think about how she wants her life to be and the pages to harness a life mapped the way she’s always dreamed.
Mothers struggle to understand that they have a calling on their lives and have been misinformed that their role is their identity This huge identity crisis show up sooner or later as depression, disfunction with her children and an overall continual yearning for something more. Here’s the great news–Knowledge is power. Once you fully understand that you are more than your role as mother you will feel a tremendous joy from deep within! This knowledge not only turns your “dreamer” back on but breathes life back into your motherhood again and makes you a better mother, wife and friend!
I do believe that beginning with our roles, first, and getting a handle on setting goals and plans and executing them for our family’s will then prepare us for bigger things. One of my favorite verses is found in Luke 16:10-
“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much.”
This scripture means that we need to be sure to take care and put our whole hearts into our lives, our jobs, our roles no matter what it is and serve well. Being able to successfully manage our homes sets us up to then include ourselves, our personal goals and our dreams and makes it seamless and effortless. Home Management needs a mind set shift, a little know-how, inspiration and the right tool-this is where I can help. I have been planning and managing my home for more than 20 years and I know you will be blessed by this FREE series.
We are going to learn how to manage a home, create a plan and map out a beautiful life that we love-all using Planner Perfect’s plan books! This is going to be fun. Covering topics like: creating and planning morning and evening routines, everyday cleaning, meal planning and prep, laundry, baking days, seasonal cleaning, decluttering, the to-do list and much more.
Let’s do this girls! Want to join us? I will be doing LIVE video on my Planner Perfect page each week. So go HERE and then like the page so you’ll be notified. If you’d like to get one of our Plan Books to begin this beautiful way of planning your life, head on over to my website and pick your print and your month to start! Here’s the link to get you there so you can join in- www.DesignsbyPlannerPerfect.com
See you there!

Jenny Hi,
Is the Manage your home like a boss still available to watch? If so how do I
get there?
I am new to your Planner Perfect following. I actually first saw a video a year ago and was instantly interested but it faded and wasn’t the time for me to fully receive what you had to say because I was swept up in chaos and trying to survive my days. The thought of putting myself first with so many balls in the air was more than I could grasp…then. A few months ago I felt a shift in me…I’m the one who every one comes to that they can depend on and for the first time I needed to rely on one of them- any of them. And I stood alone. Depressed and betrayed I was craving a place to feel heard – I was at a breaking point and then I realized I’m not alone. I am God’s child. So I began to look inward and upward instead. I asked for help – for real guidance because I wasn’t getting anywhere on my own. Your videos kept popping up on Facebook…on you tube. I finally made the time to start at your beginning – the early messages. I’m hooked and for the first time in many years I have hope and feel rejuvenated. I just ordered a bunch of your supplies – have been making a temporary high level list of what I want to accomplish when they arrive. I dusted off my bible and am relieved to have a place to start again. Thank you- with my whole heart. We all matter – and we are so much more than the roles we play every single day. I’m excited to explore who I am now and where my life is going. To appreciate it more than I ha e in a long time. What you are doing matters…especially to me!
Oh, if it’s ever in your heart to do this again (manage your home like a boss), please let me know. I didn’t know about you in 2017 and I can see I missed so much goodness!