Project Me is going to be AWESOME and we are going to CRUSH IT, together!
Project Me is our group on Facebook that is all about personal development and wellbeing, for there is no better project to work on than YOU! Last year we worked in the wren journal and it was an amazing year. 2018 is going to be epic. Epic because we are going to be the creatives we are and create the lives we want. We’re going to stop focusing on the things we don’t want. You know how you hate how someone is behaving so you call your mom for hours to talk about just how so-and-sos behavior, bugs? Yeah, that little sweetheart. We’re going to focus our attention on what we do want, we’re going to dream, love, forgive, let go, and here’s the big one: have JOY. You know why its the secret to everything? Because it’s allowing God’s best to come. It’s our Faith in action. Did you read and hear that right?
It’s our Faith in ACTION!
Joy is our sweet spot and we’re going to chat about it all quarter long through video and live video! You’re not going to want to miss this!! So head on over to Project Me on Facebook, sign-up to be notified of when the sub box is available and workbooks for those that don’t get a chance to get the box for the first run and get ready to #CRUSH2018!
Watch my video below on more details of the Project Me group and what’s to expect for 2018.
Here’s to us! Leave a comment below and let us know why you’re excited to follow along this year with Project Me…

Do you have anything like that for this year.? Can we still get this?
Í want so much to Doe your workbooks, because I think you are doeing á good work..