Success is different for everyone. The key is being able to define what success is for you.
Pillars are your foundational habits that keep you accountable and grounded to who you are. They are habitual routines that give you clarity through repetition and act as pillars to your day.
Once you have this clarity-it’s game on!
You now have an objective, something to shoot for. A lot of times we only have clarity in maybe one area of our lives, such as our role or job. For me, motherhood was it. I knew I wanted to be the best mother I could be. I dove in with both feet with my home, my meals, my homeschooling and motherhood as my only focus.
After about 4 kids in, I hit a ceiling–and stared at it one night, asking God who I was. Was I more than my children’s Mother? Who was Jenny anyway? These questions and feelings of desire for more eventually led me on a journey of allowing myself to care for myself, too.
I began the journey by picking up my paint brush, to starting a blog, exercising, designing planners and journals and becoming a small business owner. My motherhood was enhanced by my pursuit of me- I now jumped out of bed with eagerness and excitement every day!
Don’t ever think Motherhood isn’t good enough, or not a worthy goal– it most certainly is, and as a Mom to 8 homeschooled children I can assure you, there is no greater calling.
I just want you to understand, if you indeed are in the thick of motherhood; if your mothering is the only thing you have going on, you need to be planning and dreaming beyond it.
Because, you my friend, are made for greatness! You are called to use your talents no matter where you are and you need to take time out for you to work on them and get good at them and share them with the world. Share your story, share what you’ve learned and what you’ve overcome.
Always remember this: Passion + Talent = MOJO
I’m serious. Combine your passion with your talent and girl, you will possess something others will want to know more about. You’ll stand out, you’ll be using your built-in greatness. Not that you don’t need to work on those gifts, because you will–which leads me to the Pillars.
You should have a Morning Pillar and an Evening Pillar. We will refer to these as your AM Pillar and PM Pillars.
Establishing your routines are imperative to success. You are going to create what you want to do in the morning with clarity and in the evening with clarity, as well as your whole day, but these Pillar habits are your AM and PM foundation, whereas your days may change.
I recommend rising early and getting to bed early. I rise at 5 am every morning and immediately meditate for 10 minutes. More of my AM Pillar is: working out at my gym for one hour from 6-7, then I go to a coffee shop and work on my painting, work on my business, and end my time- out, writing in my gratitude journal and looking over my plans for the day.
I get home before any of my kids are even out of bed! I get so much done going “out” early to get my daily intentions done. This AM Pillar holds me accountable to my goals and from being easily distracted.
Next, I have my detailed plans for my day, that includes my kids, homeschooling, meals and domesticated chores with my PM Pillar rounding out my evening.
A look into my PM Pillar consists of dinner that I’ve planned out, clean up, a tidy up of the main zones of the house and at 7 in the evening I put my phone away! It’s time to be fully engaged with my family and to read and wind down. I have established good habits that includes, washing my face, brushing my teeth and then read, plan and snuggle up with my kids and husband to pop popcorn and watch a movie or play games.
When it comes to beginning your AM Pillars and PM Pillars, know they will be tough-you won’t want to do them at first. But I want you to understand this: if you don’t feel like doing it, that means you should do it; it’s your cue you’re on the right track. If it’s hard, it’s what will bring you closer to your goals and your best version of yourself.
The harder and tougher the goal is, the greater the yield in results.
To get started, get clarity on what you want. Do you want to get healthy? Lose weight? Write a book? Start a blog? Clean you face at night for once?
Find your clarity.
Then Plan it all out and make it happen. You know how you start? You just begin. Begin, my friends, and never quit. You’ve got this and I’m here to support you all the way.
Catch the replay of how you can plan a life you love with your AM and PM Pillars as your foundation using the Planner Perfect Method, HERE.
Go after it and Write a Better Story.
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I have so many plans and I am learning to organize thanks to you and your planning system. Thank you for changing my life at 69
My name is Deana and I turned 50 this year. My kids are grown and starting families of their own. I am a surgical nurse with an associates degree. I have gone back to school and I am working on my BSN. Then it’s on to a Masters degree. I am in a self-paced program; however, I am a procrastinator. I wait until the last minute to get things done. I need to establish a routine to get my school work done. I have a hard time focusing when I get home from work because I have so much to do at home as well. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time!